From Monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica Majora, Addimenta pp 85-91, by Matthew Paris, Edited by Henry R. Louard, London 1882.
The English Translation is by David Wright.
Richard de Parco was prior of Binham from 1227 - 1244.

Latin | English Translation | Notes | |
Hic annotantur quae per industriam et diligentiam domini Ricardi de Parco, quondam Prioris de Binham, eidem ecclesiae sunt adquisita. | Here are recorded [the things] that through the industry and diligence of dom Richard de Parco, sometime Prior of Binham, were acquired for that church. | ||
Ecclesia de Riburge cum li. acris terrae arabilis cum pastura et falda. | The church of Ryburgh with 51 acres of arable land with pasture and fold. | Uncertain whether this is Great Ryburgh or Little Ryburgh; Binham held the advowson of both and had appropriated Little Ryburgh. | |
Item. In Dersingham quatuor viginti acrae bruerae, et sexaginta et duae acrae terrae arabilis cum falda in eadem villa cum uno marisco, pro quo annuatim possunt xx. solidi percipi. | Item. In Dersingham eighty acres of heathland, and sixty-two acres of arable land with fold in that vill* with a marsh, for which they are able to take 20s. annually. | * The word villa describes the village as an economic or fiscal unit, to which medievalists have applied the term ‘vill’. | |
Item. In Eggebelde una caricata terrae arabilis cum pastura et warenna et faldagio, et viginti acrae bruerae sub bosco. | Item. In Edgefield one plough of arable land with pasture and warren and foldage, and twenty acres of wooded heathland. | ||
Item. In eadem villa molendinum ad ventum de novo constructum, et unum aquaticum, et unum mesuagium et duo alneta cum pertinentiis in eadem villa. | Item. In that vill a newly-constructed windmill, and a watermill, and one messuage and two alder groves with appurtenances in that vill. | watermill: Conjectural reading: aquaticum is normally an adjective |
Item redditum decem solidorum quem percipit sacrista annuatim. | Item rent of ten shillings which the sacristan takes annually. | ||
Item. In villa de Welles unum molendinum ad ventum novum, quod reddit annuatim xx. solidos. In qua villa aedificavit unam grangiam ad deponenda blada sua. Et puteum unum fecit. | Item. In Wells vill a new windmill, that renders 20s. annually. In this vill there he built a barn for storing his grain. And he made a pit. | pit: Possibly a cess-pit. | |
Item. De Ricardo de Sancto Germano unum mesuagium cum gardino et grava, ubi creduntur esse circiter lx. acrae terrae arabilis cum alia falda, id est, in Tursford. Et redditum quatuor denariorum quos cantor percipit. | Item. From Richard St German one messuage with garden and grove, where they think there to be about 60 acres of arable land with another fold – i.e., in Thursford. And rent of four pence which the cantor takes. | Cantor: Precentor? | |
Item. Molendinum de Winkeneie aquaticum cum stagno quindecim acrarum terrae infra praedictum stagnum. Et cum sequela hominum dictae villae. | Item. The watermill of Winkeneie with pond of fifteen acres of land within the aforesaid pond. And with a retinue [sequela] of men of the said vill. | Winkeneie: Unidentified place. Is this a possible misreading for Blakeney? | |
Item. In Laringsete xiii. acrae terrae arabilis cum redditu et homagio et advocatione dimidiae ecclesiae. Et redditu viii. denariorum, quem dedit Prior cantori. | Item. In Letheringsett 13 acres of arable land with rent and homage and advowson of half of the church. And rent 8 pence, which the prior gives to the cantors. | ||
Item. De ecclesia de Baketona quinque marcae annui redditus. | Item. From Bacton church five marks paid annually. | ||
Item. De ecclesia de Beremere sex solidi annui redditus. | Item. From Barmer church six shillings paid annually. | ||
Item. In Westle triginta et sex acrae terrae cum confirmatione advocationis ecclesiae cum pastura ad c. oves, et uno mesuagio cum gardino, ubi aedificavit unam nobilem aulam et unam grangiam, exponens ibi plusquam xxx. marcas. | Item. In Westley [Waterless] thirty-six acres of land with confirmation of the advowson of the church with pasture for [up to] a hundred sheep, and a messuage with garden, where he built a noble hall and a barn, laying out there more than 30 marks. | ||
Item. In villa de Stivetkee redditum xx. solidorum de domina Helewisa de Vendeual. | Item. In Stiffkey vill rent of 20 shillings from the lady Helewisa de Vendeval. | ||
Item. In villa de Salthus redditum xxiiiior solidorum in homagiis de feodo Petri Branche. | Item. In Salthouse vill rent of 24 shillings in homage from the fee of Peter Branche. | ||
Item. In eadem villa redditum xx. solidorum in homagiis de feodo Willelmi de Wabrunne. | Item. In Weybourne vill rent of 20 shillings in homage from the fee of William of Weybourne. | ||
Item. De eodem unam carucatam terrae cum pertinentiis et pastura et falda. | Item. From a ploughland [carucate] of land there with appurtenances and pasture and fold. | ||
Item. De eodem unum molendinum aquaticum, quod reddit annuatim sexaginta solidos. | Item. From there a watermill, that pays sixty shillings annually. | ||
Item. Apud Snarrigge unam marcam annui redditus de au[g]mentatione pensionis decimarum dominicarum Philippi de Snaringes. | Item. At Snoring one mark paid annually from the augmentation of the pension of dominical tithes of Philip de Snoring. | ||
Item. In villa de Gunesthorp redditum vi. solidorum et tres acras terrae. | Item. In Gunthorpe vill rent of 6 shillings and three acres of land. | ||
Item. In villa de Dallinges emit unum mesuagium cum aedificiis pro xxv. marcis quod fuit magistri Vincentii de Bec, tunc rectore ecclesiae de Dalligge. Item de rectore de Patesle ii. solidos in augmentatione pensionis suae pro minutis decimis. | Item. In [Field] Dalling he bought a messuage with a building for 25 marks that belonged to Master Vincent of Bec, then rector of Dalling church. Item from the rector of Pattesley 2 shillings in augmentation of his pension for little tithes. | ||
Item. Adquisivit confirmationem episcopi Norwicensis et capituli de ecclesiis, terris, redditibus, et omnibus rebus aliis tunc ad ecclesiam de Binham pertinentibus. | Item. He acquired confirmation by the bishop and chapter of Norwich of the churches, lands, rents, and everything else then pertaining to Binham church. | ||
Item. Praeter praedictas adquisitiones in Tursford una carucata terrae cum bosco, redditibus, et aliis pertinentiis, et falda. | Item. In accordance with the aforesaid acquisitions in Thursford one ploughland with wood, rents, and other appurtenances, and fold. | ||
Hic annotantur placita qu[a]e sustinuit dictus dominus Ricardus de Parco Prior de Binham tempore suo, videlicet annis xvii. | Here are recorded the pleas that the said lord Richard de Parco Prior of Binham maintained in his time, viz. for 17 years. | ||
Contra dominum Thomam de Blundvilla episcopum Norwicensem pro libertate ecclesiae tuenda et subjectione vitanda, pro quo placito in propria persona [adiit] curiam Romanam, Papa tunc Romae commorante. Quando concomitabatur prior de Wimundham Th[omas], ubi multam exposuit pecuniam, simul et labores sustinuit et illatas ab episcopo memorato cum injuriis vexationes. | Against the lord Thomas de Blundeville bishop of Norwich for the liberty of the church to be preserved and subjection avoided, for which plea he personally went to the Roman curia, the Pope then staying at Rome. When he was accompanied by Thomas prior of Wymondham, where he spent much money, and he sustained pains and joyless vexations with injuries from the memorable bishop. | ||
Contra Walterum de Graeincurt pro ductu aquae inter Berneie et Crokstune; pro quo placito fecit eundem W[alterum] incarcerari et excommunicari. Et sic demum dedit eidem Priori pro pace consequenda x. marcas. | Against Walter de Graeincurt for a water conduit between Barney and Croxton; for which plea he had that Walter imprisoned and excommunicated. And thus at last he gave that Prior 10 marks for [keeping the] peace thereafter. | ||
Contra rectorem ecclesiae de Welles, quem magister R. de Bilneie sustinuit, pro minutis decimis. Pro quibus per pacem inter eos factam x. solidos annui redditus sacrista de Binham percipit annuatim. | Against the rector of Wells church, whom Master R. de Bilneie supported, for little tithes. For which for making peace between them the sacristan of Binham annually takes10 shillings annual payment. | ||
Contra rectorem ecclesiae de Bakentune pro pensione retenta, in qua missus fuit in corporalem possessionem pro dampnis et expensis suis, et sic demum per sententiam diffinitivam lis conquievit; videlicet quod rector qui pro tempore fuerit solvet Priori de Binham quinque marcas ad duos terminos, scilicet ad sinodum Paschae duas marcas et dimidiam, ad sinodum Sancti Michaelis duas marcas et dimidiam; et si in solutione alicujus termini cessaverit, Prior per sententiam praedictam in corporalem possessionem ecclesiae praedictae inducetur. | Against the rector of Bacton church for a withheld pension, in which he was sent [to take] corporal possession for his damages and expenses, and thus at last for definitive [legal] sentence he agreed; viz. that the rector who is at the time pays the Prior of Binham five marks twice a year, namely at the Easter term two and a half marks, at the Michaelmas term two and a half marks; and if he fails in his payment for any term, the Prior by the aforesaid judgement will be inducted in corporal possession of the aforesaid church. | (Latin) lis: is this the abbreviation for legalis? | |
Contra rectorem ecclesiae de Patesle pro minutis decimis; qui pro pace habenda pensionem suam de duobus solidis augmentavit. | Against the rector of Pattesley for little tithes; who for having peace augmented his pension of two shillings. | ||
Contra magistrum Willelmum de Matelas et Paulum presbiterum pro minutis decimis ecclesiae de Bermere; qui pensionem solitam de quatuor solidis augmentabant. | Against master William de Matelas and Paul the priest for little tithes of Barmer church; who augmented the customary pension of four shillings. | ||
Contra rectorem ecclesiae de Snarinnge pro minutis decimis; qui pensionem suam per pacem factam de una marca augmentavit. | Against the rector of Snoring church for little tithes; who for the peace augmented his pension of one mark. | ||
Contra episcopum Elyensem pro ecclesia de Westleia in proprios usus optinenda, in quo placito advocationem retinuit, et per pacem factam in eadem villa de terra ecclesiae xxxvi. acras terrae cum pastura centum ovium, uno mesuagio, et gardino optinuit. | Against the bishop of Ely for having obtained Westley [Waterless] church in right of possession, in which plea he retained the advowson, and for the peace he obtained in that vill from church land 36 acres of land with pasture for a hundred sheep, a messuage, and garden. | ||
Contra rectorem ecclesiae de Gunethorp pro minutis decimis; sed idem rector pendente lite mortuus fuit et excommunicatus. | Against the rector of Gunthorp church for little tithes; but that rector was excommunicated and died pending judgement. | ||
Contra priorem de Walsingeham pro advocatione ecclesiae Sancti Petri de Magna Walsingeham. Sed cum sedes episcopatus tunc vacaret, et Jacobus Romanus custodiam archidiaconatus Norwicensis haberet, per fraudem et collusionem dicti Jacobi quidam nepos ipsius, antequam rector sepulturae traderetur. in dictam ecclesiam fuit institutus. | Against the prior of Walsingham for the advowson of St Peter’s church, Great Walsingham. But since the bishopric was then vacant, and James Romanus had custody of the archdeaconry of Norwich, through the fraud and collusion of the said James a certain nephew of his, before the rector was laid in his grave, was instituted to the said church. | ||
Contra Leciam de Egesfeud et Rogerum de Thurkillebi pro warenna, in quo placito non solum in Egesfeud, sed etiam super omnes terras quas ad baroniam de Waloinnes pertinent, liberam warennam optinuit. | Against Leciam de Egesfeuld and Roger de Thurkillebi for a warren, in which case not only in Edgefield, but also concerning all lands that pertain to the barony of Valoignes, he obtained the right of free warren. | Leciam: A very unusual Christian name – is this possibly a misreading? | |
Contra Sibiliam de Calna pro manerio de Thursford. In quo placito totum retinuit, scilicet unam carucatam terrae cum pertinentiis, videlicet bosco, falda, et omnibus rebus aliis ad dictum manerium pertinentibus. Sed inde solvit Waltero de Horkele annuatim x. libras. | Against Sibyl de Calne for the manor of Thursford. In which plea he retained everything, namely a ploughland (carucate) with appurtenances, viz. woods, fold, and all other things pertaining to the said manor. But for that he pays Walter de Horkele 10 pounds annually. | ||
Contra Johannem Avenel et Johannem de Sancto Planci de falda arsa. In quo placito apud Kateshil dicti Johannes et Johannes per dominum Martinum de Pateshulle tunc justitiarium fuerunt morti adjudicati. Sed prece amicoram, quia fuit homo religionis, dictum remisit placitum ; tamen de transgressione facta emendam sufficientem recepit. | Against John Avenel and John de Sancto Planci about fold burning. In which plea at Kateshil the said John and John were condemned to death by lord Martin de Pateshulle then justiciar. But by the prayer of friends, because he was a man of religion, he remitted the said plea; however he received sufficient amendment about the transgression committed. | Kateshil?Martin de Pateshull, was Archdeacon of Norfolk, Dean of St Paul’s and an Itinerant Justice from 1217 to 1229 |
Contra Hugonem de Arderne pro minutis decimis de Ingoldestorp. In quo placito pro dampnis suis et expensis missus fuit in corporalem possessionem omnium decimarum de Ingoldestorp, et fecit eas carcari apud Bersingham. Tamen demum lis [is this the abbreviation for legalis?] ita conquievit, quod Prior solvit eidem dimidiam marcam annuatim de camera sua. Et Prior percipit omnes decimas quas percipere solebat quiete et in pace. | Against Hugh de Arderne for the little tithes of Ingoldisthorpe. In which plea for damages and expenses he was sent [to take] corporal possession of all the tithes of Ingoldisthorpe, and he had him imprisoned at Dersingham. However, at last he legally agreed, on condition that the Prior pay him half a mark annually from his chamber. And the prior took all the tithes that he was accustomed to taking in quittance and in peace. | ||
Memorandum quod die Sabbati proxima post Cineres apud Dersingham, anno regni regis Henrici III. Filii Johannis xx°viii°, computatis omnimodis debitis quae debebat domus de Binham et quae debebantur ei, coram domino Ricardo de Parco tunc de novo creato Priore de Thynemue, et coram domino Ricardo de Seldefort tunc de novo creato Priore de Binham, et solutis plenarie et ubique, remanserunt penes dominum Priorem memoratum de Binham ultra debita supradicta xxi. librarurn xvi. sol. et iii. den. Praeter xvii. solidos qui debebantur apud Dersingham Ricardo de Sywaldeby. Et in hujus rei testimonium confectum est istud instrumentum super praedictis inter praedictos Priores. Praesentibus his testibus; domino Willelmo de Redburne suppriore de Binham, domino Willelmo de Hortune cellario de Thynemue, domino Rogero de Eggesfeld cellario de Binham, domino Willelmo de Marleberge, A. persona de Berneie, Henrico Clerico, Rogero de Tyngrie, Willelmo de Sancto Aedwardo, Ricardo de Siwaldesby, et aliis multis. | Memorandum that on the Saturday next after Ash Wednesday at Dersingham, in the 28th year of king Henry III son of John [1244], having had added up all the debts of whatsoever sort which were due to the house at Binham and which ought to have been due to it, before dom Richard de Parco then newly created Prior of Tynemouth, and before dom Richard de Seldefort then newly created Prior of Binham, and paid fully and everywhere, there remained in respect of the well-remembered lord Prior of Binham beyond the above debts 21 pounds 16 shillings and 3 pence. Beyond the 17 shillings which are due at Dersingham to Richard de Sywaldeby. And in testimony of these things this instrument is brought into effect concerning the above between the aforesaid Priors. Witnesses to this present: dom William de Redburne, subprior of Binham; dom William de Hortune, cellarer of Tynemouth; dom Roger de Eggesfeld [Edgefield], cellarer of Binham; dom William de Marleberge [Marlborough]; A. parson of Barney; Henry, clerk; Roger de Tyngrie; William de Saint Edward; Richard de Siwaldesby; and many others. | ||
De aedificiis. | About buildings. | ||
In aedificiis autem haec fecit laudabilia. Frontem ecclesiae a fundamento usque ad volsuram construxit. | In buildings indeed he laudably made these. He constructed the front of the church from the foundation to the vaulting. | ||
Item claustrum plumbo cooperuit. Item lardarium de novo construxit cum solario et plumbo cooperuit. | Item he covered the cloister with lead. Item he rebuilt the larder with an upper room (solar) and covered [it] with lead. | ||
Item infirmariam novam fecit cum capella. Item novum stabulum. Item murum lapideum a porta usque ad capellam Sancti Thomae. Item murum de terra extra antiquam fossam, quam et explanavit in circuitu curiae. | Item he made a new infirmary with a chapel. Item a new stable. Item a stone wall from the gate to the chapel of St Thomas. Item an earthen wall beyond the old ditch, and he cleared a walled court. | walled court:This reading is a little conjectural – the Latin is awkward | |
Item apud Thursford construxit grangiam, aulam, cameram, boveriam, pistrinum cum caeteris aedificiis. | Item at Thursford he built a barn, hall, chamber, byre (cattle shed), bakehouse with other buildings. | ||
Item apud Salthus unam grangiam et berkeriam. | Item at Salthouse a barn and tannery. | Conjectural reading: a bercaria is a tannery – in Salthouse? | |
De assignationibus. | About assignments. |